Archive for May, 2009

Happy World Turtle Day!

Saturday, May 23rd, 2009

Yes yes folks (and people [Chicago-ese]), today is World Turtle Day.  Luckily, we in the northern part of Georgia have the Gwinnett Environmental & Heritage Center which teaches everyone about the importance of sustaining our environment. Think of it this way, when you were younger, you may have had a gerbil (google “Richard Gere gerbil”), well, you were certainly told that you have to take care of that gerbil because it or he or she can’t take care of itself. That means giving the gerbil more food, water, and cleaning out the bedding area along with the area it likes to poop and pee in. Ah, the area that the gerbil likes to poop and pee in. In human terms, the toilet! Now I’m getting it. In Gwinnett County, Georgia, the Department of Water Resources comes to the rescue by providing us with water and a way to get rid of our wastewater (which includes sink sludge, tub turnout, and toilet tur[d]bulance).  We’ve had a drought in the past couple of years so water shortages have been a big concern. It’s also been a concern with our main supply of water which comes from Lake Sidney Lanier has been down over a dozen feet of full pool. Things are looking up now as the water supply is slowly starting to replenish. Let’s see how everything works out.

iWorld Turtle Day 2009

World Turtle Day 2009